Intermediate Aerial Hoop
Intermediate Aerial Hoop
Service Description
In Intermediate Aerial Hoop students will expand their skillset from the beginner level. This class features a full body warmup and conditioning exercises on and off the apparatus. In this class students will build their aerial vocabulary and learn extended sequences and combinations in the hoop. Students should be prepared to explore poses and movements on the top bar of the hoop as well as an introduction to a higher level of dynamic movements. **Required Skills: -Double knee hang on both bottom and top bar - Able to mount hoop from the ground without assistance - 5 sec bent arm hang - Back Balances (star on the bar, gazelle) - Inside/Outside Mermaids - Angel - Front/Side Amazon - Wineglass/ Side Star ** Please reach out to your instructor with any questions Yoga pants that cover the knees are recommended.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
You have 8 hours before the start of class to cancel your class before a $15 penalty is invoiced. The invoice must be paid before attending another class This charge is per class. By registering online you are agreeing to this policy and potential charge. If you No Show more than 3 classes in a month, your online and in person reservations will be cancelled. For any clarifications, please contact us at and do not register until you understand and agree to the policy. Thank you!
Contact us
3218 Jacklin Road, Victoria, BC, Canada